I Love Python. I Learn Python. I Teach Python. I Am a Python.


教小孩 學 Python 程式語言,用 中文 及 英文。(02)

  • LEVEL 2

Python Next Steps
Ch.1 - Data types:
   >>> Learn about data types.
   >>> Learn about tuples, lists and dictionaries.
   >>> Make a version of MyMagic8Ball that is much shorter to code than the one from Python Basics.
Ch.2 - Building GUIs:

   >>> Practise using tuples and dictionaries.
   >>> Review using tkinter and learn about some more widgets.
   >>> Build a GUI.
   >>> Build a glossary application that can easily be customised into a number of other simple cool apps too.
Ch.3 - Designing a Simple Calculator:
   >>> Learn about 'for loops'.
   >>> Use lists and loops to save a lot of repetitive coding.
   >>> Learn more about the tkinter button widget.
   >>> Design your own calculator application called MyCalculator.
   >>> Build a complex GUI easily.
Ch.4 - A Fully Working Calculator:
   >>> Learn how to use default values in functions creatively.
   >>> Learn about debugging.
   >>> Learn about catching and handling errors.
   >>> Delve deeper into binary numbers.
   >>> Produce a fully working calculator.
Ch.5 - Customising the Calculator:
   >>> Layout a customisable calculator.
   >>> Create some fully functioning constant buttons.
   >>> Start a module to hold the functions for our programmable buttons.
   >>> Learn a little more about how to organise code in applications.
Bonus Chapter - Algorithms:
   >>> Add code to the programmable buttons.
   >>> Learn about algorithms.
   >>> Learn about factorials.
   >>> Learn how to convert numbers to roman numerals.
   >>> Make a fully programmable calculator with some unique functions including its own customisable game.

